Saturday, April 16, 2011

You will probably not see RKSF at C80.

At the rate things are going, this is entirely plausible. The latest [erka:es] update shows a timeline of what’s been going on with RKSF and what’s left to do before the game is finished. This is what’s left:

  • The Fortress Bosses (think Sepperin Castle and Iris Palace)
  • Variations of normal enemies (probably for the Fortresses)
  • Story Mode
  • Balance and debugging
  • Voices

So, literally, almost everything. The main levels are supposedly finished, and I assume that the rest of the RKS cast are accounted for (aside from the Dark Magi, which are probably part of the Fortress Bosses or perhaps like the Doc Robots). Beyond that, there’s no Story Mode in place, there’re barely any voices beyond what we’ve already heard in the demo, and the game hasn’t even reached the testing phase yet.

Apparently, Isemiya was supposed to have had the Fortress Bosses done by February 19th. At this point, he has pretty much gotten in touch with WOMI every Sunday to extend his own deadline for a week. It is now April, and his latest update is “I’ll have it done by the 17th!”. So now, WOMI just wants to go to his house to punch him. WOMI (along with the rest of us, I’m sure) is hoping that Isemiya still wants to even finish the game, so keep your fingers crossed!

Oh, and don’t bother e-mailing them about it. WOMI can’t seem to read any of the mail form stuff, and there’s a chance that Isemiya, for one reason or another, can’t (or won’t) either. It probably all goes to Isemiya, but because they’re not really in contact, WOMI can’t do anything about it.

Welp, we’ll see what happens, I guess!


  1. "Oh, and don’t bother e-mailing them about it. WOMI can’t seem to read any of the mail form stuff, and there’s a chance that Isemiya, for one reason or another, can’t (or won’t) either."

    So I'm guessing that I'm not the only person that WOMI and Isemiya ignore in their e-mails And it's sad to hear that based on this post, WOMI (maybe) does not receive the e-mails.

  2. If it's any consolation, my sprite based animation movie RKS parody something, whatever the hell it is, is done.

    Just added the last sound effect last night. I'm pretty sure I'm missing several sounds, but it'll take to long to press my face against the screen and watch carefully to see a small insignificant movement not make a sound. It's just not worth it.

    Now I need to convert to a video file youtube likes and put it up there.

    It should be up by next weekend.

    It's about to be upload within a matter of days, and I'm STILL not sure what to call it.

  3. "Not big surprise." ~The Heavy, Team Fortress 2

    This game has literally been in development for years now.

  4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

    THIS game is becoming more and more like SITER SKAIN's RefleX!

    Sad part about this is that we're actually here watching all go down.

  5. If the development team is actually not even in real contact, how could it be done in time ?...

    That seems just impossible.
