Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flash Game Fun: Mega Man, KS-Style

Rokko-Chan is pretty good! If you follow Mega Man fan game news, you’ve probably heard about Rokko-chan, the amazing full flash game MM tribute featuring the namesake moe Mega Buster girl. If you haven’t, give the game a shot. It’s quite good, has some neat challenges, and should appease you a little bit while you wait for Freudenstachel. However, there’s another fan game that may have slipped under your radar, and the only reason that *I* found it is because I have terrible ideas and like searching to see if other people have terrible ideas too.

So the answer to that quiz I promised you guys and never gave is that Lilly is indeed the best character in Katawa Shoujo, but maybe you disagree. Maybe you didn’t like Lilly very much. If so, then boy do I have the game for you! Meet Hisaoman, a Katawa Shoujo-style NES Mega Man clone, brought to us by Newgrounds user ShadowWhoWalks. The only objective in the game is to defeat Lilly, named Blind-tan in this game. You only have a single-shot Mega Buster (where you fire pills instead of bullets), and you can’t slide. The controls are simple (though the mechanics make the game a bit floaty), and overall, the game is very easy. However, it’s worth it to give it a shot and see how it ends when you win.

By the way, I’m not a fan of the X2 soundfont, but Flame Stag’s stage theme is always awesome.


  1. Well apparently Hisaoman went to the [erka:es] school of placing your songs in completely random and unfitting places.

  2. There is nothing random about RKS's song placement. First you hear two songs unique to each character and then you hear the generic boss fight music.

  3. WOMI updated his devblog yesterday, though it's just text.

  4. I think it says something about having made the ending for RKSF.

  5. Y'know, sometimes, seemingly unfitting music placement is actually more appropriate than it might first seem. Case in point: "The Moon" from Duck Tales. By all accounts, that song should be an ending credits theme, but it's a regular stage theme, and the experience is all the better for it.

    I do get annoyed whenever songs are reversed, though. See Rockman X2: Soul Eraser (Launch Octopus and Flame Mammoth) and Super Smash Bros. Melee (Venom and Corneria) do exactly that (at least Capcom noticed and fixed the issue in Megaman Xtreme 2).

    Flame Stag's theme may be a decent song, but a good battle theme it is not. And why is Lilly wielding a sword? A cane would be a lot more in-character... At least the teacups were on the right track.

  6. Hey, that reminds me. You know "Sinner", the talk theme that Zorne used in the original RKS, right? When I heard that song, I thought it might make a good song to describe a true villain with. Zorne, of course, is just a short-tempered and moody girl, but I think her personality of beating up anyone who messes with "Father" shows a little bit of the deadly sin of Wrath in it, and since Wrath is one of the seven deadly sins and her talk theme is called "Sinner", I think it makes sense, don't you think?

  7. The songs were well placed in RKS, especially in RKSF so far from what I am hearing.
