Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WOMI Interview Update? Yes!

This was a long time coming (as I haven’t been able to find someone to TL English to Japanese for me; I took matters into my own hands), but I finally sent off an e-mail to WOMI about an interview. I just got a response saying that he’s cool with it and will answer any questions that he can. With that exciting news, if you guys have questions for WOMI, please write them in the comments below. Yes, I know I’ve asked this before, but it’s actually kinda relevant now, so ask away! Please be within reason, and be respectful. Thanks!

Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. I better look through this blog's older posts for questions I've brought up before...

  2. I thought he spoke English.

  3. His English isn't very good, so it's best to keep everything in Japanese.

  4. I'm going to e-mail WOMI right now.

    The only thing I want to know from him at the moment is where the series will go in the future following ~Freudenstachel~. No more, no less.

    On topic with WOMI, he has never updated his personal site (mof-mof) since August last year. Though I will keep dropping by there every now and then, because you never know when he'll be updating.

    Then again, he probably is busy with RKSF that he can't work on his doujins.

  5. I have only one.

    Will Spiritia appear in the RKSF series, dead, alive, or playable?


  6. Will there be H-scenes when defeated?

  7. How about this: how many stages in all will there be in RKSF? And is the "Karl/Kahl mode" that was mentioned really just an April Fool's joke or not?

  8. As my only request.
    I just want to know if Mr/Mrs. Alphes could participate in ~Freudenstachel~ more further? I just want [erka:es], as the request, to invite alphes officially work with Pamela. As Pamela is the master of the Black Cross, She has to be really special among the others.. Well, just like the original which alphes created.

  9. Well, the only thing I want to know is if Womi is going to continue the RKS series after the rellease of freudenstachel.

    I just want to know if he is going to make other titles, or if freudenstachel will be the last one of the series.

  10. My only question would be with the current trial version in mind, is this what we can expect challenge/difficulty wise in the final product?

    I like game in all aspects except challenge: the bosses are a joke, platforming is too easy, and enemy placement is sparse.

  11. I'm not sure if this hasn't already been stated somewhere, but what inspired them to make RKS a Mega Man clone? If I recall, it was originally going to be a hentai game of some sort?

    If that question isn't acceptable for whatever reason, I'd also like to know how Freudia ended up the main character of the second game.

  12. @Otherarrow: I actually plan on asking those questions myself.

  13. Found my questions from before. And I'd like to ask though I doubt it will be answered:

    Where and what's happening with Isemiya?

  14. Alright guys. I was able to get into a little conversation with WOMI over my question. I don't mean to spoil it for anyone, but because of duties regarding RKSF, WOMI has no idea over how post-~Freusenstachel RKS will work out. He had also stated something along the lines of continuing the series even if it's not possible due to either difficulties or the fanbase and such, though he does want to keep the series going healthy.

    Though I must say, I do like that I was able to shoot him a physical e-mail and receive a reply back.

  15. I know, off-topic, but there's a new [erka:es] blog update with a new picture featuring Raimund, possibly part of a custom Game Over screen.

  16. Yea that pic totally screams "Game Over". The boarder is a dead giveaway.

  17. New [erka:es] update.
    Probably about the remaining task to finish Freudenstachel.


  18. Mhakk is correct - the latest [erka:es] update includes WOMI's official To-Do List.

    Please excuse the crudity of this translation; I didn't have time to cross-check it or to paint it (^_^;):

    - Finalize boss weaknesses (DONE)
    - Implement Strudel abilities (DONE)
    - Design Game Over screens <- YOU ARE HERE (five more to go!)
    - Host character voice auditions
    - Script, record, and implement voices
    - Finalize background music
    - Draw dialogue portraits and integrate into script
    - Design cover art
    - Finalize ending credits
    - Final round of testing, difficulty balancing, and bugfixing
    - Implement bonus mode

    I expected those last two to be in reverse order, so I guess this means we'll be reusing that "this is gonna suck" warning sticker...

    That's actually a rejected Game Over screen there. WOMI notes that this is one of the images he designed early on, but ultimately decided against using in the final game. It's a reference to Ultima on the original Game Boy. Apparently, Isemiya vetoed this Game Over reference way back when, and WOMI questions why he rejected it. Does that mean we'll see it in Freudenstachel? Couldn't tell you... I'd appreciate if someone fluent in Japanese can cross-check my rush-job of a translation to confirm.

    Pointless question: why do so many people wrap Freudenstachel in tildes? Tildes are for translations and stylized subtitles (ie: Rosenkreuzstilette ~Blades of the Rose Cross~ or "The Final Battle ~Requiem for Myself~"). The name of the game is Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel - there are no colons, dashes, or tildes anywhere. I hope nobody's going to say that they're just following my lead, 'cause I can't remember ever using that kind of convention...

    Mint, could you ask if "Fraudenstachel" is a deliberate change or if it's an honest-to-goodness typo? There were a lot of those in the original (Sayfalth, Sichite, Rai Souka), so it wouldn't hurt to check.

  19. New blog update, and this one features a screenie of Freu in Sichte's stage with the new addition of a flying Medusa head enemy thrown in.

  20. Looks like Sichte struck a deal with Dracula.

  21. @Justin

    Same thought here.
    I hope that monster-peeled-like-a-penis boss in the "tower" in
    Castle Vania wont appear the game.
    The Medusa head is enough.

  22. Another new [erka:es] update again. This time, WOMI's brought us a new Chibi picture of the Refraktia twins.

  23. In my perspective, the twins don't look as spooky as the older chibi pic of the two (mainly Lecht), but I'm guessing WOMI did this because REDMOON was mentioned in the devblog post.

  24. @Alejandro:

    Also, I doubt this is also relevant to WOMI's recent post regarding the Medusa Heads-esque enemies...

  25. Looks like Lady Sichte had one of her mugshots updated in the recent blog update.

  26. I know I've said this before, but Sichte's new mugshot makes her look more asian. And no, that's not meant to be negative.

  27. @Viper

    Disturbing, isn't it?
    Oh! oh!! Uncircumcised dick wants to play!
    but yes, for me to get over these things are sports.


  28. Another blog update with another pic of the same characters in the same scene, now with newly updated mugshots. Also, according to the update, it appears that the character voice auditions are done.

  29. So it appears Freudia's mugshots were re-worked and the background behind the clock tower is now red rather then green (the later being kind of hard to notice).

  30. Just a question.
    Do we have to wait for another comiket to release RKSF?

  31. And we have a brand-spanking new update from WOMI, this time with Zone Sepperin's Pre-Boss dialogue.

  32. And Zorne's talking about Iris: "I'm back like Willy"-plot spotted ?...

  33. Just a quick question.

    WOMI, will there be an RKS III? If so, will Eifer be an antagonist, I really love the idea of Eifer and Iris working together!
