Sunday, June 21, 2009

Introducing KreuzChannel, RKS HQ's Official YT Channel

I'm sure some people were wondering why the video I had uploaded to YouTube were deleted, and the reason is this! I've been working on transferring the videos over to an "official" Schwer and Schwer Alike channel called KreuzChannel.

This channel will be the one-stop YT channel for pretty much any videos that get showcased on this channel from here on. One thing to note is that I have now included a glitch showcase video (see below), and I changed the Grollschwert C72 Trial to contain all-new footage and a new translation of the opening. Some videos, such as the hidden Freudenstachel stages, mod vids, etc. will remain on my personal YouTube channel, mostly because they're annotated, and I really don't feel like doing that again.

The channel serves another purpose, though. This channel is for you guys, the Schwer readers as well. We will be accepting contributions. If you have a replay or something like that you would like to showcase, I'll record it to video and toss it up on the channel with the proper credits. Future challenge submissions or time attacks also have a place there. My intention is to create what amounts to a bulletin board of various things from the RKS community, much like how this blog is something of our public forum, since setting up an actual forum to my liking, is cumbersome for me.

Well, I hope this turns out to be something great.

2ch has started their 7th RKS thread, but it looks like discussion is pretty much dead until either Summer Comiket rolls around or some major update happens, like the web trial, so we won't be hearing much from that end for a while. In the meantime, I'll do my best to give you guys something so you don't end up bored. If anyone wants to contribute anything like fanfiction or art or whatever (AND IT'S REASONABLY WELL DONE, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), it may give me something to put up in our downtime. We shall see.


  1. I really wish my art wasn't bad in your opinion. Then maybe I would get more of a hronable mention here on this blog.

  2. Improve. Spend a few days on a single drawing and see what comes out.

  3. You've forgot the Sichte glitch in Grollschwert. I've sent a .rpy file for the Sichte Grollschwert glitch on the RKS Uploader. Get it here.

  4. I would, but I'm a fast drawer.
    BTW, I kinda think I don't rush at all.

  5. Personally, I think your style is the problem. It's ugly. Real ugly. But that's just my opinion. If you're drawing purely for yourself, then just keep drawing and practice practice practice. But so long as you have that style, expect others to ream you for it.

    As for content, if I get the spare time I'll contribute something that's not a fanfic and I bet nobody saw coming. But sadly I have little free time and I currently suck at what it is, so it may not pan out.

  6. Great, I'll had that channel to my youtube account ;-)

    I wondered why previous vids had been deleted... Good news, then.

  7. Justin, Letty isn't the only one who thinks your art is crap. I don't want to discourage you since everyone has to start somewhere, and my art isn't great either, but seriously. Unless psychoactive drugs or cerebral palsy factor into this equation somewhere I don't think you have any right to complain.


    Read that Justin bro.

  9. Read it, not interested.
    Remember, I'm still a kid.

    I would love to show you guys one of my recent works, but Letty told me not to.

  10. Justin-kun I wish you would draw more Touhou fanart

  11. Oh...
    I'm never beyond someone's experience.

  12. @Kiora:

    Kiora, what do you mean?

  13. Yeah, I'm not seeing my contribution of the replay for the Sichte glitch being made on the KreuzChannel... -.-

  14. Viper, that's neither a glitch nor a bug. That is simply the game triggering "cutscenes" without concern for gravity. Just because "oh no Sichte is floating!" does not mean the game is broken.

    An example of a Sichte bug is if you manage to defeat Sichte or Grolla and land on top of them in Story Mode. When the third character teleports in on top of the two of you, the game is none too happy with that.

  15. @ last Anonymous

    I did draw something Touhou related, but it's on Paint. It chino or whatever you call her.
    I'd love to do more Touhou fanart, but I need a good source.
    Also I came up with something cool :)

  16. Fine Letty. But can we call it a "worthy oddity" at best. \._./ I will did this too on Arcade Mode on Grollschwert and it still happpens. If you want, I can send the .rpy of the same happening on Arcade Mode.

  17. Letty,

  18. Wow. I can't believe I just re-designed Schwer. 0_0
