Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Strudel and [erka:es] Update

This is a placeholder until I get more information (and until I finish doing some work), but [erka:es] made an update today with a new picture of Strudel, Freudia's fairy partner! I'll be back with more soon.


  1. But she burned the fairy's forest to the ground! Why does she have a fairy friend? Cute, though.

  2. I've been trying to understand what the owner of this Chinese blog, which is a fan of RKS, put on his RKS blog (you can find it at Among them are profiles of the Freudenstachel characters. I think Strudel may have been separated from the other fairies when the forest was burned.

  3. Well, I just got Tanin to translate the RKSF profiles, so I'll be putting them on the wiki soon.

  4. For someone named after a cake, she's still cute.
    What will be her role, I wonder...
