For those that haven't read the earlier comments posted in the previous blog posts, it seems that Pamela Arwing will be taking the helm as the Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel's "Zero". Yes, the Black Cross' head Dark Magi, of all magic-users. Just yesterday, WOMI has shed some light (literally and figuratively speaking) of the bonus game's title with a new screenshot of game's title screen. [erka:es] would like to present to you all
Rosenkreuzstilette Weißsilber. How will Pamela play out in her side-game, and will she'll anything like Grolla in the previous game? Only time will tell when the game hits Comiket sometime this year.

I apologise for the lack of activity/contributions here at Schwer And Schwer Alike. Many of you youngsters out there are blessed with freedom of having your own personal computers (be it a desktop or laptop, and your operating system is Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh) while I am absolutely NOT one of the lucky ones (or even the wealthy ones for that matter) to have that kind of privilege. Even as we speak, I'm using the Wii's horribly outdated Opera Internet Browser to make a blog post for the first time, and I can tell you all that the newer versions of Google's Blogspot doesn't like this internet browser. As much as I want to share the screenshots of the recent updates of the games, there are things you cannot do with this thing. So please, bear with me on this...
You can buy a refurbished computer for $200 or less.
ReplyDeleteAsk all you will, and Viper will never get a computer of his own.
DeleteHeck even with all the arguments we've had in the past (like me still thinking how he gets away with everything yet I get the boot) which ultimately lead to us being permanent rivals, I've asked him repeatedly to see about investing in a computer of his own just so he can try to correct his acts and be online more often. However from what I've read, his home isn't very large, but I'm sure for either Christmas or his birthday, he could always ask his family if he could get a computer of his own so that he doesn't have to be on his brother's.
Now on topic, I really need to clarify something. We have two characters that control like Mega Man, two like Zero, and one that was going to play like Simon Belmont but got shitcanned because he was simply an April Fools joke that WOMI had the balls to upload his profile art twice even after April.
I think Pamela Arwig could've controlled like a hybrid of Link from Legend of Zelda and Zero if you were to give that later the ability to (somewhat) copy powers. Besides, it'd be better to play with a character with better horizontal movement, speed, and dexterity (even though the bonus games are meant to be difficult, and not just for fun), upward and downward thrusts, and as the official description states; draw a magic circle in the air and manipulate the space within it.
That's just my idea incase god forbid WOMI wants to experiment to homeages outside of Capcom's once flagship title.
"Ask all you will, and Viper will never get a computer of his own.
ReplyDeleteHeck even with all the arguments we've had in the past (like me still thinking how he gets away with everything yet I get the boot) which ultimately lead to us being permanent rivals, I've asked him repeatedly to see about investing in a computer of his own just so he can try to correct his acts and be online more often. However from what I've read, his home isn't very large, but I'm sure for either Christmas or his birthday, he could always ask his family if he could get a computer of his own so that he doesn't have to be on his brother's."
And this has what to do with your jealousy problems? Honestly, how's getting a computer going to solve anything? It's not a matter of being active in a online community, it's about you being a dick to someone how only wanted to help and spitting it right at their faces like a cowardly dog ready to lash at somebody. Insulting someone at their deviantART page, and being a circle-jerking loser about "oh he doesn't show interest in some non-existent crap I make to make me seem important to everybody" is just low.
Oh look, a backup friend of Viper's (your name and the two recent YT activity entries is a dead giveaway). Has your favorite gaming idol gotten any more world records?
DeleteLook bro, Yes, I will admit I was being a dick to him for a few things years and years ago, but the insulting thing on deviantART that caused him to block me February last year was me just singing him the B-day song from Madagascar for the lolz. Also, he gets achievement points in Xbox faster than a cheetah can run, was allowed to stay on Rockman PM longer than I was (though in his defense, he was the reason why I got back onto said site), became a writer of this blog before I did, and when I was kicked off, he stayed on, and even through constant flamewars he never got the boot either, and was calling artwork that was done just as poorly, if not worse than mine masterpieces, but when I try to draw up something no matter how high the talent and humor levels were, he criticizes the crap out of me, without taking into consideration he could take that up on another deviantARTist. It also strikes me odd that he likes MLP: FiM, despite it being geared for kids, which is what the long-time-cancelled Super Justin series was considered. Plus after he made his giant "you suck" speech on deviantART after I got kicked off of this blog (Mint, if you're reading this, I plead to my heart I will never say anything along the lines of that event), I knew he'd never give a damn about some crappy idea a young teen would make, but I wanted him to still like me to some extent in general He's a fan of half the crap that I enjoy, we both like gaming (though I'm more of a retro gamer), and we both like art, though I'm more determined to improve on it. And my golly look at where it takes us. Not only was Super Justin cancelled (which you wouldn't know unless you stalk me or weren't living under a rock for 3 years), with any trace of the "franchise" on deviantART and even the forum and Wiki (the former which evolved into Grolla's Dungeon) both got shitcanned not long after. Years later, I wanted to interview Viper and discuss our problems via Xbox Live, but then he began threatening me with "keep this up and I'll block you, oh yeah, I beat Bayonetta before you had a chance to even complete 1/4 of the game itself (though Bayonetta suddenly turning into a panther kinda ruined the experience for me. Plus 22 chapters? TwT).". And then the Madagascar birthday scenario came in, and soon Viper was planning to round up an army of SJB haters to rebel against me and remove me from the internet premaritally. ...Yea if that'll do anything it's increase Viper's negative reputation levels and make him seem more like a jerk.
The computer thing is just so he can maybe go onto deviantART and learn that maybe spending your life slamming down the art of just one person and anything related to him yet praising the heck out of other things is not fair.
I know you didn't want a novel, but with that tone, you kinda needed one. Sorry.
Some parts are sarcasm, just to let you know.
DeleteTell me, what was Pokemon's age range again?
DeleteYou have no right to be challenging others maturity levels. I'd like this place to be a place I could get some RKS news but you have shat up this blog since it's inception and brought everything down like petulant brat throwing a fit he can't have things his way. Please please GET OUT.
DeleteI'm not throwing a shift fit that Viper gets everything and I don't. It's just he's a very strange (and overly low-on-the-barrel person whom acts like he want's to whore out his recognition in the video game world (mostly with the title "World's biggest RKS enthusiast" and kick out anyone that doesn't give the game higher than a 9/10) as much as I do in the online world, while killing me off for the stupidest reasons.
DeleteAnd plus why couldn't Letty make the post so I don't have to see SnakeToxicMegaManInitinal's name plastered on the posts' author.
By the way, you guys made me write this, and smashing "GET OUT" in all caps is going to make you, my bratty cranky Anonymous, stick around even more.
I mean, Mint and TDOMMX primarily know I've changed, and shoving Roger and his unintelligent backup support still show disbelief that I've changed.
I know he doesn't like Super Justin. He should know it's cancelled. I know he hates my art yet loves others with crappier drawing style, and he spends his whole time on Xbox (where he should belong) threatening inferior artists and gamers that he hates with a block despite all they want to do is just sort things out, only to go onto a blog with two smaller-known allies and be just as much of a butthole as I am on bad days and not get his writer position taken off.
End of conversation. If I would I'd close this entry from any further comments just to prevent this argument from going on and stretching 5 pages, and remove all traces of Viper bitching about not having a computer (seriously, Viper has his own blog, why can't he just stick to that one, and also what does that have to do with RKS?).
Once again, end. of. conversation. 6_6
So you're the one who's been complaining about not getting enough comments on his drawings even when he "tried" his "hardest" drawing them.
DeleteYou should realize by now that "hard work" alone won't get you the praise you think you deserve. Every artist knows that and you are no exception.
If you're just going to keep justifying the amount of attention you think you should have through all the "hard work" you did, then you're better off wasting your time with that new PS3 you got instead since both are equally unproductive anyway.
Oh look, someone actually went to my deviantART. Great idea.
DeleteListen bud, I brushed off that just recently. If it's going to be the end of the world for me just to ask for comments from not jus the same people each time, I'll stop with that permeantly. It happened because some webcomic artist whom I was trying to impress got pissed off and warned me his fan base would attack mine, despite 95% of his fans not knowing of me or what Aozora's Adventure is. Alright, Can we just let this pass by and change the author of this post from Roger to Mint and remove that whole last paragraph so that this post'll be free of purple snake venom and extract it all into, I dunno, his own blog?
Yes it exists. And if you think I'm complaining, I'm more just irate and ranty. June was a big mess for me, okay? If I was complaining, I'd plaster exclamation points and all-caps every other letter.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"...Yea if that'll do anything it's increase Viper's negative reputation levels and make him seem more like a jerk."
Wow, resorting to bullying and lying? I knew you were pathetic, but this is low, even for you. Reporting...
"If I would I'd close this entry from any further comments just to prevent this argument from going on and stretching 5 pages, and remove all traces of Viper bitching about not having a computer (seriously, Viper has his own blog, why can't he just stick to that one, and also what does that have to do with RKS?)."
"And plus why couldn't Letty make the post so I don't have to see SnakeToxicMegaManInitinal's name plastered on the posts' author."
AH HA HA HA. As if you're lying with the whole "childish" crap again, you put up a pic with Ponies. Didn't this whole pony shenanigan start as being something for little girls?
DeleteOkay, I've been going to this blog frequently lately and then this came up. Guys, can't you take care of this problem else where?
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm all up for stopping this flamewar if maybe the Anonymous, Viper, Anubis, and Tier learnt to keep their lips shut.
DeleteThis is an RKS blog, not a "Justin Sucks" blog.
This is an RKS blog, not a "Why Justin Thinks Viper Sucks" blog.
DeleteEither one works with a passion. Do your think I enjoy arguing like this?
DeleteNo one said anything about anyone until you (Justin) decided it'd be productive to make an offhanded comment about Viper's issues with his computer in the comments section.
ReplyDeleteThis issue between you and Viper is getting pathetically old to the point of being tiresome, and makes the website as a whole seem pretty bad when every other post you make is about (Insert insult about -Viper- here).
I've been a lurker for sometime on the website and have seen plenty a post regarding this issue between you two, but this particular attack seriously pushed a button. The comment you made was completely unnecessary, and makes you seem like a child.
I'm expecting retaliation for this post and welcome it, but I'm honestly wondering if it's possible to ban members from posting on the website to alleviate this problem. Or better yet, only allow moderators or verified members to post here in the future. I come here for RKS News and Mega Man information, and I'd rather enjoy it if I could visit here every so often without this ridiculousness plastered in every other post.
Truth be old, Justin got his ass banned here for a time, and I'm hoping it happens again for trying to pick a fight he can't hope to win here. I'll notify Mint..
DeleteMint didn't really seem to be on your side at first when I saw you and him chatting on deviantART, and the only person I have a problem with on this blog is you. Mint is a good person now when you don't nag him, though I've talked with many (such as Puistink/Shiva, and nine times out of ten, they'd call you a jerk. I may only begun adulthood and haven't done anything regarding my autism and jealousy levels, but I'm getting there, and you seem to rush to conclusions. Besides, you never seem to like simply hitting up a lengthy discussion with friends and enemies alike, instantly threnating me when I just wanted to ask you questions regarding issues via Xbox, resorting to the following messages:
Delete1. "Being a jealous of what I've been given that he would never earn (i.e. being a writter a SASA, given admin privileges at the SASA's RKS Facebook)." Never earned, because you were there to make a big humble rivalry that I just wanted to end over a scatological comment back in June 09, and somehow Mint after all this that you've went through to make myself look like the biggest dick in the world (there are worse, far worse) still considered yourself worthy enough of being a blog writer when all you wanted to do was start a contest with poor rules. As for other things, no fucks given about your achievement score on X360.
2. "Me not showing no interest in whatever "game" crap he's making that will never happen." I don't give a damn whenever or not you like Aozora's Adventure. I asked you once, ONLY ONCE, your thoughts on the series, you didn't like it, so I shat up, and never remember asking you a second time. This also qualifies for the crossover series.
3. "Most importantly, me giving him constructive criticism for his stupid "art" and being a little bitch about it, and it shows." Again, you were acting kind of hypocritical with how you praised art that was just as bad, if not worse than mine, (Yukohanna being a great example) yet when mine came into question, no mater how much I try, you always seem to bitch about the tiniest details (like forgetting to shade Pamela's bow) you can find. And let's not forget that picture of Zero Confidence, where you said my art style got 100x worse.
DeleteAnd now for the grande finale:
"No offense, but it's better off if more people -- dA, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Schwer And Schwer, and any site he's whoring himself to be popular -- see what a jealous, selfish, inconsiderate and ungrateful douchebag that he really is, either through his actions or I tell them myself (and few people I know is already is realizing this). Once this happens, we can all breathe a little easier."
I cannot begin to realize how much this scheme will not work, but worst case scenario backfire on you. For one thing, I hate a good number of people myself, but unlike you, I don't create a "the reason you suck" speech that hogs up an entire comment field. I may get jealous easily (sorting it out with a guy named GoodOleTC), I may be somewhat on the lazy side, I may drag on arguments for too long (even though with our status as enemies, you deserve it, sorry.), but I don't advertise the hell out of every site I go on, all 40+ of them. I just go on to talk with others, access certain content not available for guests, and with forums, I do not post my own art threads (with Rockman PM, I did, but that was because I wanted to get rid of the old one and replace it with a newer one that was more polished, which Vixy allowed). And I don't call you swears (Ever recall calling me a bipolar spit fuck)?
To Serpent, I will admit of starting this intense mind-rotting frustration and carrying on a stupid rivalry. But, I got a better idea of how this cold be handled rather than just forbidding one guy, just one guy; Mint turning on comment moderation and removing any form of hate-commenting, which resorts to deleting everyone's comments on this post excluding the first comment, therefore our rambling on will not be seen by newcomers to the blog, and they will not avoid it.
Try as you may, Roger, but as long as you and I continue this nonsense, there are ways this will come to an end, in both your and my terms and preferences. You and I will both be defeated simontaniouisly, and this blog will return to peace.
I recently made an account and I was the anonymous who said to take this somewhere else. Look man. I don't want any part of this but you guys are flooding the comments with this argument. Just...Please....Take it elsewhere. This place isn't meant for arguments...
ReplyDeleteAlso, or better yet, just drop it.
ReplyDeleteYou people. Thanks for ruining things for everyone. I'm disabling all comments until I get all of this taken care of. If you want to talk about this crap, take it to our Facebook group. http://www.facebook.com/SchwerRKSBlog If not, oh well!
ReplyDeletePeople are bullying each other and name calling each other.... its just sad. I really hope this isn't what I should expect from the people involved with translating one of my favorite games. I really hope Justin and Viper are just random fans, and not part of the staff. because they are BOTH guilty of being mean to one another. And I would hate to find out they're the ones translating the game.
ReplyDeleteAnd using the fact that Viper likes My Little Pony as an argument against him is just plain wrong. Him liking MLP has NOTHING to do with the fact that you're both BULLYING each other.
I am sorry if I sound just as immature as the two of you. I really don't mean to, but seeing this whole entire page made me so sad. Hopefully things are or will get better. Have a RKS x MLP crossover while you're at it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRHLjI6kXCo
Maybe that will cheer Viper up at least. And hopefully Justin will like it too. though probably not. :(