Friday, January 23, 2009

Dash Hopes Results

1st Place: Kilga - 2'41"61
2nd Place: Tanin - 3'14"08
3rd Place: Nator - 3'17"51

The winner of the RKS Dash Hopes Challenge is Kilga! The nature of RKS's control scheme made this challenge very difficult in a way, as some unintentional walking occurred, but that will not be held against anyone. Kilga displayed an unrivaled control over Grolla and managed to dash well beyond the competition's times. Utilizing tricks such as wall-climbing in place of ladder-scaling and taking note of proper timing with both the mini-boss and Sichte herself, Kilga had an impressive time that was over 30 seconds faster than 2nd Place! Both Tanin and Nator made use of the hidden E-Tank, which came in handy during the Sichte boss fight. Tanin's just lucky there was no penalty for dying. Everyone did very well this time around, though, and I would really hope that more than 3 people decide to enter the next match, which will most likely be posted tonight.

Thank you to the three of you, and good luck in the next RKS Challenge!

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