Sunday, December 30, 2012
Back to the Fanart
This first one comes to us from Akirevo: Sketchy art of Schwer-Muta. I find the style and overall presentation very adorable, somewhat fitting for Schwer's own personality.
I'm sure a few of you longtime SaSA followers may recall seeing this chibi Spiritia a few years back. Well, this art of Freudia's... er... backside is from the same author: 割と普通. It could be just about summed up with any of my standard complement phrases. Old, but still enjoyable.
Oh hi Luste Teuber ブリ(゚∀゚)ハマチ.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Curse of the Fanart
Tia and Freud by *Haychel on deviantART
And where else to start than with this group shot of Tia, Freu, and Lilli, drawn by Haychel. For something on the English side of the community, it's very well done, the way the backdrop is done makes the image look like a painting, and I particularly like how accurate the characters are appearance-wise to the source material. The glow effect used on Lilli is also a great effect dome with no problems.
Scketch request to waraulol: versus crossover by ~Drawloverlala on deviantART
By now everyone knows of Grolla Seyfarth's overall similarities to Zero from the Mega Man games, so eons later here's another Grolla & Zero art, this time from Drawloverlala. This time Zero is based on his Mega Man Zero appearance, and a couple of the details in Grolla's design and colors could be improved on, but this still remains a concept ripe for expanding on, placing the characters of Rosenkreuzstilette next to their original design influences.
Merry Christmas - Eifer Skute by ~Tsukikage100 on deviantART
I chose to showcase this one as it's appropriate for the time. Tsukikage100's art of Eifer in red, meant to represent Christmas. A little rugged in some areas, but still a cute image by any means.
Next time will be back to pixiv.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Revenge of the Fanart
Very adorable Freu art from Potemayo, even if it may not be the most accurate representation of her.
I'm positive that anyone whom has searched up Rosenkreuzstilette has seen something from Glacs.fz at least once. Here's his recent Pamela Arwig art, with some (albeit minor) touchups to her original design. Good one as always~
And after that, comes probobly the first art in the showcase to just have some fun. Freudia and Spiritia playing with Pocky sticks. The way Spiritia's tie and hairband are colored blue reminds me of the way blog follower ShivaDF re-designed her several years ago. Somehow this art, especially Tia's confused expression makes me chuckle.
That is all.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Return of the Fanart
Here's a very charming pic of Freudia Neuwahl from Amane. Probably one of the best pics of Freudia Neuwahl I've seen yet, as it incorporates a very wise use of bright and vivid colors.
Remember how I said that after Freudenstachel launched people liked to pair up Freudia and Pamela? This art from Mr. Mail is one of these pair-ups: Chibi Freudia and Pamela in battle poses. Pamela's outfit seems a little too red, but the adorable style, facial expressions, and use of effects make up for this.
I need to apologize if the attempts at translating the author's names are inaccurate; I have no knowledge of the language.
And now here's something I've been wanting to show since I first began: custom portraits of the original Rosenkreuzstilette, plus Karl. They are very accurate to WOMI's own art style and could fit just about anywhere within the games. If you want to see the rest, I recommend trying this search.
I believe that should be enough for today.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Introducing Rosenkreuzstilette F[sterblich]
Today, WOMI updated the [erka:es] devblog with a rather interesting download just below this charming picture of Freudia. If you have RKSF installed on your computer but want an extra challenge, download the .exe located just below the picture and place it in the same location as the main Freudenstachel files. It's the same old Freudenstachel, but now you start only with 1HP. Make any mistake and you're virtually done for. Couldn't get any more detailed than that. Life pellets, capsules, and Cross Tanks are eliminated, but in contrast, 1UPs are more common, and
Oh, and there's a Weißsilber mode that plays under the same rules.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Fanart Showcase- An Introduction
Basically put, this will be a series dedicated to showing the best of what the fans of Rosenkreuzstilette around the globe have to offer, running once every Sunday. And thanks to Freudenstachel, the rate of fanart production encountered a slight acceleration, mostly with art depicting Freudia and Pamela, however, so I can still have fresh content for the next entry, I will only do a few at a time.
Let us begin with this adorable animated pixel art from aliceandsven, depicting Schwer-Muta with Zeppy on top. A very lively piece of work; as the animation of Schwer's eyes blinking is very fluid and well-detailed, and the colors selected are very valid.
Anyone that has stuck with the series for quite some time knows shizuku, one of the winners of the character-designing contest held long ago, with her creation Strudel. Starting in April, she's been on a roll, drawing just about the entirety the female cast another time to join all her other art of the RKS, but her stuff from post-RKSF's release shows multiple drawings of the Dark Magi (her Pamela art pictured above), her Eifer and Refrakita Twins art being dead giveaways to spoilers found later on in Freudenstachel. shizuku's art style continues to be heartwarming; one of which she executes flawlessly. If you want to see the others, here is a direct link to her Rosenkreuzstilette-related content.
What follows is solo art of Lebiea from "Cl Kobo", that in itself is very well-done, with the detail and charm coming through the use of shading and highlighting, which I feel reflects Liebea's overall innocence. Simple but effective.
And that's it for today. I'll be back with the second run next Sunday.
Friday, November 30, 2012
J-List Responds to RKSF Inquiry

Do you want to see Freudenstachel back in stock? Hit J-List up on their Twitter, and let them know! Make your voices heard, RKS fans!
Buy RKS: Updated
Monday, November 19, 2012
Freudia is Packed and Ready
I've been shopping at J-Box for years, so I can vouch for their reliability. Their visual novel and import game catalogs are pretty impressive, and they'll knock 15% off the total price of your order if you order three or more English-translated visual novels (I recommend Go Go Nippon, Kira Kira, and Aselia the Eternal myself). Just keep in mind that they have two offices - one in Japan and one in San Diego - and that your order may arrive in two separate packages if some items are in stock at one office but not the other.
...Yeah, I said I'd include these details in my next audio announcement, but I decided this is good news that couldn't wait for me to get my hands on a decent microphone.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel Finally Released!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The Home Stretch
In the meantime, are you playing The eXceed Collection released by nyu media on Steam recently? You may have already played the series or something, but if you didn't actually buy it, go show your support by grabbing it, because it's really good. Well, the first game sucks, but 2nd and 3rd are fantastic. eXceed 2nd is pretty much "moe Ikaruga", and eXceed 3rd is INTERSECT THUNDERBOLT, so get to it! So yeah, play that for a while (and some Ys too, I guess!) as we wait for the release of the long-awaited Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel. We'll keep you posted!
Friday, July 27, 2012
"This is my Oath."
Long time no see, everyone!
Sorry for the radio silence on my end these past few months. It's a long story - one that sounds more like a third-rate soap opera than a half-decent excuse, so I'll spare you the details for the time being. Suffice to say, crippling real-life problems (and some inexplicable browser issues) have severely cut down on my online presence at Schwer and Schwer Alike for the past while.
On the bright side, the downtime has allowed a lot of projects-in-the-making to start to bear fruit. I'll be making an official announcement in the next few weeks about the ones directly related to Darkside Translations and our projects (naturally, that includes Rosenkreuzstilette). Before that, though, I'd like to shine a spotlight on a few developments that I'm sure those of you with good taste in entertainment can appreciate.
It's no secret that Ys is my favorite video game series of all time. As a huge fan of Castlevania, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, and Megaman, that's saying quite a lot. Long before Mint and I teamed up to localize Rosenkreuzstilette, I had the honor of working with Falcom Fan Translations' Jeff Nussbaum and Nicholas Livaditis to help bring the series to the English-speaking world. As you can imagine, we were psyched when XSEED Games announced that it had secured the English-language rights to the series' PSP entries, and I was even more excited to learn that they wanted to use Jeff's scripts for the official English versions of Ys I & II Chronicles and Ys: The Oath in Felghana.
I'm tempted to go on a fanboy rant here, but I think I'll let the games speak for themselves.
As of this writing, XSEED has released Ys I & II Chronicles (PSP), Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PSP / Steam), Ys Seven (PSP), and Ys Origin (Steam), as well as Falcom's amazingly well-written The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (PSP). I highly recommend checking them out.
NEWS FLASH: For the next 24 hours (ie: until 1:00pm Eastern tomorrow), the Steam version of Ys: The Oath in Felghana is just $5.09, so grab it while you can!
You might remember that, back in May 2012, my friends at No Name Losers released a full English localization of the visual novel ef - a fairy tale of the two. What you might not know is that, since then, ef's original developers have joined forces with the group to give the title a commercial English release (NNL is officially "A division of minori Inc."). Moreover, several members of Darkside Translations are credited for their contributions (including yours truly, though my name only appears in the ending credits).
The first half of the story, ef - the first tale, goes on sale at today (warning: this link is not work-safe). If you missed the opportunity to check it out last time, you now have another chance.
I'll be at Otakuthon 2012 in Montreal next weekend (August 3rd through 5th), both as an attendee and as an event host (you can find me with my co-panelists at "An Introduction to Visual Novels" and "The 2011-2012 Visual Novel Review" - and, yes, Katawa Shoujo will be featured in both panels). If you're in the area, be sure to drop in and say "hi".
That's all for now. Once Otakuthon is out of the way, I'll get cracking on our next big announcement.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Commenting has returned. Enjoy.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Changes Incoming
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel has a Darker Side... Game
Monday, June 18, 2012
Writers Needed
Monday, May 21, 2012
New Whiterockman Letty Doujinshi To Be Released at Reitaisai 9
You can check out the sample set on his pixiv here.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Voice Actress for Refraktia Twins Chosen
We here at Schwer and Schwer Alike would like to extend a warm welcome to Nene Ayatsuki, the newest member of the RKS voice cast. She will be voicing both Rink and Lecht Refraktia for Rosenkreuzstilette ~Freudenstachel~, and in listening to her voice samples, I have to say that I think she’ll fit right in. Congratulate her and give her your best regards on Twitter, if you would be so kind, and listen to the sample page on her site by clicking the small banner.
On a related note, Grolla Seyfarth dere yessssssssssss.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Art Showcase: Three Blonde Doujin Girls

It never really occurred to me that they’re all blonde-haired. Whatever the case, this is a pretty amazing piece of art by 暗月の故障者, and you should definitely click the picture to see the full version of the image. Also worth checking out are our new Facebook Timeline cover image (“Like” us and go check it out), as well as Spritia with -1 lives from another artist, who actually has some pretty awesome (and hilarious) RKS fan art. What are you waiting for? Check it out!
Rockman Ciel, Hisaoman, and More!
Thanks to SaSA reader Axl007, Rockman Ciel caught my attention, and I must say I’m impressed but by no means surprised. Ciel was pretty great, after all, and making an entire project around her seems like something that needed to happen. Rockman Ciel seems to be an entire multimedia project that includes a Zero-based fan game in progress, a full art series on pixiv, a Web Radio series, and even a project concept art book with full character backgrounds and scenario history. It seems like a pretty ambitious and crazy project, and I hope to see it come to fruition. My hope is that it doesn’t suffer the same fact as Rockmen R, which swiftly received the C&D hammer from Capcom and is no longer available. We’ll see how that goes.
You may remember Hisaoman, the (arguably tasteless) Katawa Shoujo fan game with a Rockman touch. It turns out that this game was supposed to be released shortly after the release of the game early this year, though the forum thread stated “around this November (2011)”. There hasn’t been a lot of news concerning development, and it almost seems like the project may be on the backburner, as his latest post on Newgrounds seems to be more concerned with Ragnarok sprite animation. However, KS hasn’t been completely forgotten, as he released Katawa Shoujo: Symphony of the Feminists back in February, which features a Rockman-sprite Miki. The game itself is really silly and pretty fun, though the SotN PSX-inspired dialogue leaves a lot to be desired. Well, if anything comes up with this project, we’ll definitely mention it here. This is really turning into a Mega Man fan game blog, isn’t it?
I’ve been looking to change up the site layout a little bit by adding links to the sidebar and implementing pages, most notably with information about obtaining and working with Rosenkreuzstilette. Currently, I’ve added links to the Rockman-inspired various fan projects, as well as related blogs, including the re-addition of zaku6’s. I imagine I’ll be able to clean this up a lot by adding an overall “Link” page. I really want to revamp the sitenav and get everything as neat as possible. In addition, I will need some help from some of SaSA’s readers concerning my "RKSclopedia” project. I plan on moving the wiki entirely away from Wikia and setting it up on Google Sites, which looks a lot neater and will give us a lot more control to prevent future problems and speculations when Freudenstachel comes out. We’ll have a basic gathering of all character and scenario information for the site, and compiling and editing will be done as a group over Google Docs. Once that’s all said and done, we’ll get the ball rolling. The RKS Wikia isn’t going anywhere, obviously, and will undoubtedly be updated as the series goes on. That’s fine. I just want to have the most accurate and well-maintained wiki possible based here on SaSA. I figure that’s reasonable enough. I’ll try and get that WOMI interview done soon, when my friend who can help me with the translation stuff isn’t busy.
If you would like to help with this project, please inquire in the comments or e-mail us directly at grollschwert[at]gmail[dot]com. Let’s continue to improve Schwer and Schwer Alike as the best RKS resource on the net!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Project LT Official Site Launches
With the Twitter account mysteriously still suspended, TEN has opened up an official website for Project LT. Listed on the website are the main staff members of the game project; in addition to Sumikaze Midi (character designer) and TEN (music composer) are Takopi (background design) and Kogarasi sk (main programmer). All four members of the project appear to be pretty talented artists, with Takopi especially good at pixeling. All in all, this is looking pretty promising, and SaSA will continue to keep you up-to-date on new developments.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Project LT Twitter Account Accepting Questions
The Project LT Twitter is currently accepting questions and comments concerning Whiterockman Letty. If you guys have anything you want to say to the Project LT devs, send them a line via Twitter. The best part about it all is that you don’t have to run anything through or by a translator. They are accepting and will respond to and in English, so the language barrier is broken! What are you waiting for?
On the RKS side of things, WOMI seems to be making progress on Freudenstachel. He appears to be working on the voice acting aspect of things, so the scenario/script side might very well be done. This is good news! With this level of progress, we’re definitely looking at a C83 window, and I, for one, think it will be worth the wait. So yeah, there’s your update. Enjoy~
Edit: The Project LT is currently experiencing problems, as Twitter seems to be suspending the account for seemingly no reason at all. Until that gets settled, feel free to post questions here, or send whatever you want to ask to the SaSA Twitter account, and we’ll relay the questions their way when it gets fixed.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Project LT Launches Dedicated Twitter Account

Project LT, the Touhou-based Mega Man-style fan project starring Letty Whiterock, has launched an official Twitter account for updates on the project (it’s got a really cool avatar, too!). In addition, the official flash site has been updated with Cirnoman (pictured right), complete with Ride Armor. The picture to the right links to Sumikaze Midi’s pixiv page for the image, so be sure to check it out for the full version. Show your support by following them, as well as Project LT, on Twitter and by posting below. They’re reading this, after all!
I guess SaSA now has two big things it’s following, and we’ll be doing our best to keep you posted on both!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Project LT: Whiterockman Letty
So there are two really cool guys in the Japanese doujin scene named Sumikaze Midi and TEN. Why are they so cool, you ask? Because they are currently working on something amazing. Back at C78, Sumikaze created this a really cool-looking doujinshi called “Whiterockman Letty ~Dr. Okuu’s Ambition~” (you can see samples of it here), and TEN uploaded a promotional video for it on Nico, featuring a chiptune version of Letty’s theme and sample pages. All in all, it’s a pretty cool thing. Well, now, there’s a website with an unfinished flash animation featuring two characters: Whiterockman and Momijiman, who appear to be the Touhou equivalents of X and Zero, respectively. There are currently 7 open slots for Cirno, Hong Meiling, Hina Kagiyama, Parsee Mizuhashi, and Yuyuko Saigyouji, and no one has been given any information yet. Could this be an upcoming doujinshi series? Or perhaps, with TEN composing music tracks and posting them on his Twitter, could we be seeing the makings of a new Megaman-style platformer? A fun project, or the game that we’ve been waiting for to fill that MegaMari X-shaped hole in our doujin-loving hearts? It’s definitely worth keeping your eyes open for this one!
Follow Sumikaze and TEN on Twitter, and keep your eyes peeled for updates to the ProjectLT hashtag. This could be pretty amazing, and I’m not just saying that because I’m Letty Whiterock. Well, maybe I am a little bit.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
WOMI Interview Update? Yes!
This was a long time coming (as I haven’t been able to find someone to TL English to Japanese for me; I took matters into my own hands), but I finally sent off an e-mail to WOMI about an interview. I just got a response saying that he’s cool with it and will answer any questions that he can. With that exciting news, if you guys have questions for WOMI, please write them in the comments below. Yes, I know I’ve asked this before, but it’s actually kinda relevant now, so ask away! Please be within reason, and be respectful. Thanks!
Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Interest Check: SchwerCast
So I’m thinking of starting a podcast dedicated to RKS, doujin gaming, and general ridiculousness. Would you guys listen to a weekly or bi-weekly show? Accompanied art is by まさきち. Click for the big version on Pixiv!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Flash Game Fun: Mega Man, KS-Style
If you follow Mega Man fan game news, you’ve probably heard about Rokko-chan, the amazing full flash game MM tribute featuring the namesake moe Mega Buster girl. If you haven’t, give the game a shot. It’s quite good, has some neat challenges, and should appease you a little bit while you wait for Freudenstachel. However, there’s another fan game that may have slipped under your radar, and the only reason that *I* found it is because I have terrible ideas and like searching to see if other people have terrible ideas too.
So the answer to that quiz I promised you guys and never gave is that Lilly is indeed the best character in Katawa Shoujo, but maybe you disagree. Maybe you didn’t like Lilly very much. If so, then boy do I have the game for you! Meet Hisaoman, a Katawa Shoujo-style NES Mega Man clone, brought to us by Newgrounds user ShadowWhoWalks. The only objective in the game is to defeat Lilly, named Blind-tan in this game. You only have a single-shot Mega Buster (where you fire pills instead of bullets), and you can’t slide. The controls are simple (though the mechanics make the game a bit floaty), and overall, the game is very easy. However, it’s worth it to give it a shot and see how it ends when you win.
By the way, I’m not a fan of the X2 soundfont, but Flame Stag’s stage theme is always awesome.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
SaSA Exclusive Art: Spiritia by JT
As if his LP wasn’t enough, JT was nice enough to draw some great Spiritia art for us! …So yeah. Enjoy it~
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Let's Play RKSF Trial 0.07a with JT
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Site and Social Adjustments: Part Deux

I’ve been making more social networking adjustments to the site, because I seem to think that it’ll actually do something. Who knows? Maybe it will! I’m hopeful, anyways. If you haven’t noticed already, there are now social buttons under the resources section of the sidebar. That way, you can more easily access our Twitter feed, the new Facebook page, or our Google+ page. My hope is that we can really improve Schwer and Schwer Alike to make it the best site it can possibly be for one of the best game ever to grace the doujin market. To our loyal SaSA readers and followers, as well as Rosenkreuzstilette fans in general, please spread the word. Oh, also, now that the social networking stuff is in place, maybe we can start holding contests a lot more easily? Also, feel free to communicate more with us. If you find some RKS art you want to share or maybe just want to tell us how awful we’re doing at our jobs, by all means, use the tools provided to let us know. Get the word out. We’re all fans of RKS, and without you guys, this place would be in vain. We exist for you guys.
Thanks a lot, everyone, and look forward to more updates in the future!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
More Icy Treasures from the Nile
Don’t ask how I got this. I’ll leave those surprises for later. Until then, enjoy this little preview. Also, as a note, Strudel does not function properly at all. I’m not entirely sure what she’s supposed to do, but she’s pretty worthless as she is right now. Oh well~
Monday, January 9, 2012
Shameless Plug for the VA Club
In response to a tweet by Kira Buckland, a great voice actress who is gracious enough to be a part of the RKS dub project, I’m going to be plugging the Voice Acting Club Forums. It appears to be a pretty active community with some pretty talented people behind it, and hopefully, we can find some more amazing people to help us get the RKS dub project pointed further in the right direction. So yeah, check them out, sign up, give some feedback, and have fun! Also, keep playing Katawa Shoujo. There will be a test at the end of the month on whether or not Lilly is the best character. (Hint: She is.)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Treasures of the NEW RKSF Web Trial
Schwer reader and RKS fan Mhakk Como has been posting some interesting stuff on our SaSA Facebook group. A lot has changed in the newest web trial from the inside, so we can no longer access the other weapons due to exploiting the password system. However, Mhakk came up with a brilliant work-around. Using a replay from a previous demo build, we get to see Freudia try out some new weapons. The first one appears to be an updated version of Eis Lanze, and the second one looks like an icy version of Geister Wand. To be honest, that’s a little disappointing, but maybe there will be some special gimmick and not just a snowflake Schwer shield. The third one is a bit of an enigma. Supposedly, it’s what you get from Trauare, but we’re not really sure what it does. We’ll have to see what happens with that one. Finally, there didn’t seem to be any update on the weapon you get from Dolis. It’s still invisible, so we’re still left guessing. Still exciting, though!
The final release is just around the corner, and all our questions should be answered then!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Overcoming Prejudice

Comic Market has come and gone, and, unfortunately, [erka:es] wasn't among this year's attendees. In other words, Freudenstachel isn't ready for release just yet. Personally, I'd rather take my time and do things right than rush through and do a half-assed job, so I have to respect WOMI's course of action even if it means keeping us waiting a while longer.
Since I'm sure at least a few of you have more free time on your hands than you'd like, I have just the thing to keep you entertained in the meantime. The freeware visual novel Katawa Shoujo has just been released to the public today. Those of you that know me well are aware that I've been looking forward to Katawa Shoujo for a long time now, so I'm glad to see that the title has finally been completed. Normally, I'd gush over what it's about right now, but this is one case where I think the work speaks for itself.
Congratulations to the guys at Four Leaf Studios. I'm sure RAITA would be proud of what you've been able to accomplish. I certainly am. Bravo, guys!
Please note that if you aren't over the age of 18, then Katawa Shoujo probably isn't something you'd be interested in.
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